🏷️Trading Fees

Exchange participants incur fees on trading operations, paid by the taker. The maker does not pay a commission. For purchases, the fee is charged in Instrument Tokens, whereas for sales, the fee is taken in Instrument Currency.

Trading Fees (Only for Taker)

Maximum Price Deviation

Tick Size & Min Quantity

                                  Tier 1
            Price Range                  Tick Size       Min Quantity
               Price <=      0.5           0.0001           5.00000
         0.5 < Price <=      1.0           0.0002           2.00000
         1.0 < Price <=      2.0           0.0005           1.00000
         2.0 < Price <=      5.0           0.0010           0.50000
         5.0 < Price <=     10.0           0.0020           0.20000
        10.0 < Price <=     20.0           0.0050           0.10000
        20.0 < Price <=     50.0           0.0100           0.05000
        50.0 < Price <=    100.0           0.0200           0.02000
       100.0 < Price <=    200.0           0.0500           0.01000
       200.0 < Price <=    500.0           0.1000           0.00500
       500.0 < Price <=   1000.0           0.2000           0.00200
      1000.0 < Price <=   2000.0           0.5000           0.00100
      2000.0 < Price <=   5000.0           1.0000           0.00050
      5000.0 < Price <=  10000.0           2.0000           0.00020
     10000.0 < Price <=  20000.0           5.0000           0.00010
     20000.0 < Price <=  50000.0          10.0000           0.00005
     50000.0 < Price <= 100000.0          20.0000           0.00002
    100000.0 < Price                      50.0000           0.00001
                                  Tier 2
            Price Range                  Tick Size       Min Quantity
               Price <=      0.2           0.0001          10.00000
         0.2 < Price <=      0.5           0.0002           5.00000
         0.5 < Price <=      1.0           0.0005           2.00000
         1.0 < Price <=      2.0           0.0010           1.00000
         2.0 < Price <=      5.0           0.0020           0.50000
         5.0 < Price <=     10.0           0.0050           0.20000
        10.0 < Price <=     20.0           0.0100           0.10000
        20.0 < Price <=     50.0           0.0200           0.05000
        50.0 < Price <=    100.0           0.0500           0.02000
       100.0 < Price <=    200.0           0.1000           0.01000
       200.0 < Price <=    500.0           0.2000           0.00500
       500.0 < Price <=   1000.0           0.5000           0.00200
      1000.0 < Price <=   2000.0           1.0000           0.00100
      2000.0 < Price <=   5000.0           2.0000           0.00050
      5000.0 < Price <=  10000.0           5.0000           0.00020
     10000.0 < Price <=  20000.0          10.0000           0.00010
     20000.0 < Price <=  50000.0          20.0000           0.00005
     50000.0 < Price <= 100000.0          50.0000           0.00002
    100000.0 < Price                     100.0000           0.00001

                                  Tier 3
            Price Range                  Tick Size       Min Quantity
               Price <=      0.1           0.0001          20.00000
         0.1 < Price <=      0.2           0.0002          10.00000
         0.2 < Price <=      0.5           0.0005           5.00000
         0.5 < Price <=      1.0           0.0010           2.00000
         1.0 < Price <=      2.0           0.0020           1.00000
         2.0 < Price <=      5.0           0.0050           0.50000
         5.0 < Price <=     10.0           0.0100           0.20000
        10.0 < Price <=     20.0           0.0200           0.10000
        20.0 < Price <=     50.0           0.0500           0.05000
        50.0 < Price <=    100.0           0.1000           0.02000
       100.0 < Price <=    200.0           0.2000           0.01000
       200.0 < Price <=    500.0           0.5000           0.00500
       500.0 < Price <=   1000.0           1.0000           0.00200
      1000.0 < Price <=   2000.0           2.0000           0.00100
      2000.0 < Price <=   5000.0           5.0000           0.00050
      5000.0 < Price <=  10000.0          10.0000           0.00020
     10000.0 < Price <=  20000.0          20.0000           0.00010
     20000.0 < Price <=  50000.0          50.0000           0.00005
     50000.0 < Price <= 100000.0         100.0000           0.00002
    100000.0 < Price                     200.0000           0.00001

Last updated